Mt. Crested Butte Wayfinding

The Town of Mt. Crested Butte is working with the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) on a signage and wayfinding program. The DDA was formed with the vision of providing guidance for future development within the town, specifically within the area designated as the commercial core of Mt. Crested Butte. The Authority consists of members appointed by Town Council. The formation of this body of local business owners and/or residents focuses on growth within the ski base area and guides new development and building renovations to reflect designs and use that convey the heritage and traditions of the area.

The DDA has Architectural and Site Design Standards in place, which includes signage standards. It is expected that under this contract those standards shall be understood and either followed or recommended to be amended based on discussions with the client team. It is expected that Chapter 16 of the Mt. Crested Butte Town Code will require updates or alterations by Town staff after sign designs are finalized.

In addition, the Town Council recently adopted a Strategic Plan that outlines the Town’s vision, guiding principles, strategic goals and 2021 action items. The Strategic Goals include Town Leadership: Cultivate and maintain a culture of continuous planning for the Town with an emphasis on Regional cooperation and shared success. Therefore, this Signage RFQ is a response to Town Council goals as well to ensure all signage through town is complimentary and consistent with Town branding.


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